lawyer unaware of the professional blindspots around them

Legal Issue Spotting vs Professional Issue Spotting

Lawyers are trained to spot legal issues for their clients. It’s what you’re bred to do, and if you’re like most lawyers out there, you do it well.

AvvyPro was built to spot professional issues, for lawyers. Most lawyers are busy working all day spotting issues and mitigating risk for clients, so they can sometimes overlook issues in their own legal practice. And it should be no surprise. Because the list of obligations under the jurisdiction’s Rules and Code of Professional Conduct is long, complex, and, let’s be honest, can be a burden for you to stay on top of while growing a legal practice.

But these issues—professional blindspots—are dangerous lawyer traps. Of the thousands of complaints received each year by legal regulators, the overwhelming majority are minor issues caused by a professional blindspot. But the damage a single complaint can do to your practice’s bottom line can’t be undone. Lost billable time, lost money, tarnished reputation, and generally, an unfortunate barrier on your ability to attract new clients.

But there is an easy solution, a way to immediately reduce your risk of complaint by about 60%. It’s a professional legal practice audit, one written by legal regulators and working groups of high-performing lawyers. It’s designed to quickly help you put flags in any blindspots you may have, and as an added benefit, provide useful resources to begin mitigating those issues.

The investment in time and money is so negligible the question really is — how can you afford not to take one? Start yours right now. You don’t have to do it all at once, come back and work through it at your convenience. But the result could be addressing what is likely the biggest risk to growth your practice currently has.

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