Legal Issue Spotting vs Professional Issue Spotting

Legal Issue Spotting vs Professional Issue Spotting

Lawyers are trained to spot legal issues for their clients. It’s what you’re bred to do, and if you’re like most lawyers out there, you do it well. AvvyPro was built to spot professional issues, for lawyers. Most lawyers are busy working all day spotting issues and mitigating risk for clients, so they can sometimes…

How Can Lawyers Select Clients to Avoid Conflicts?

How Can Lawyers Select Clients to Avoid Conflicts?

AvvyPro’s Best Practice 6(a) states: “Satisfy yourself that your representation of a client does not create risk of the representation being materially and adversely affected by your own interests, your duties to another client, or a third person.“ Lawyers can ensure they consider all of these conditions by adding them to a prospective new client…

Ensuring legal Clients Share Your Understanding of the Terms of Engagement

Ensuring legal Clients Share Your Understanding of the Terms of Engagement

AvvyPro’s Professional Objective #9 for lawyers states: “Ensure that clients share your understanding of the scope of the retainer and the terms of engagement.“ Objectives are a desired outcome, or what needs to be achieved. And every good professional objective for lawyers also has supporting Best Practices, which fill in the how. Here are two…