Good riddance to the drudgery of legal document generation

Good riddance to the drudgery of legal document generation

The legal profession finds itself amidst a transformation of work, driven by the emergence of new AI players and technology in the field. For some, this technological influx offers respite from the more routine aspects of their practice. However, for others, it signals stiff competition, given that these routine tasks used to constitute a significant…

Why the Model Professional Rules for Lawyers are Difficult to Implement

Why the Model Professional Rules for Lawyers are Difficult to Implement

In a perfect world, all lawyers would follow 100% of the Code of Conduct, 100% of the time. Why doesn’t that happen? The key to successful implementation of the Code by working lawyers is to translate it into a set of outcome-based objectives. And under each of those objectives is nested a set of supporting practices, which…

Professionalism Committees Are Dedicated to Fostering Ethical and Professional Conduct

Professionalism Committees are dedicated to fostering and advancing ethical and professional conduct for lawyers and firms in their respective jurisdictions. One of the more exciting areas of professionalism in recent years has been the use of lawyer and firm self-assessments as a means to heighten self awareness and, ultimately, to improve performance and professional conduct….

How Can Lawyers Select Clients to Avoid Conflicts?

How Can Lawyers Select Clients to Avoid Conflicts?

AvvyPro’s Best Practice 6(a) states: “Satisfy yourself that your representation of a client does not create risk of the representation being materially and adversely affected by your own interests, your duties to another client, or a third person.“ Lawyers can ensure they consider all of these conditions by adding them to a prospective new client…

Ensuring Lawyers Have the Necessary Resources to Fully Prepare Cases

Ensuring Lawyers Have the Necessary Resources to Fully Prepare Cases

AvvyPro’s Professional Objective #4 for lawyers states: “Ensure that you have the necessary resources (time, finances, staffing, etc.) to fully prepare cases and offer thorough representation.“ Objectives are a desired outcome, or what needs to be achieved. And every good professional objective for lawyers also has supporting Best Practices, which fill in the how. Here are two of…

Ensuring legal Clients Share Your Understanding of the Terms of Engagement

Ensuring legal Clients Share Your Understanding of the Terms of Engagement

AvvyPro’s Professional Objective #9 for lawyers states: “Ensure that clients share your understanding of the scope of the retainer and the terms of engagement.“ Objectives are a desired outcome, or what needs to be achieved. And every good professional objective for lawyers also has supporting Best Practices, which fill in the how. Here are two…