Legal Issue Spotting vs Professional Issue Spotting

Legal Issue Spotting vs Professional Issue Spotting

Lawyers are trained to spot legal issues for their clients. It’s what you’re bred to do, and if you’re like most lawyers out there, you do it well. AvvyPro was built to spot professional issues, for lawyers. Most lawyers are busy working all day spotting issues and mitigating risk for clients, so they can sometimes…

Resource Article: Best Practices: Solicit and Respond to Client Feedback

Many firms mistakenly assume that clients will automatically speak up when they’ve got a complaint. Not so. All too often, the client just goes away without saying a word. “Often, I am asked my opinion about the single most effective marketing strategy a law firm can implement. Without exception, the answer is, “Ask your clients…

Resource Article: Law Firm Client Relations: How To Get Client Feedback That You Can Use

Existing clients can provide valuable information about your law firm and the legal services you provide. Tapping into that information can help you improve your business and attract more clients. “Get the data you need about your law firm, make getting client feedback a part of your process.” This resource is included in AvvyPro’s…